Freelance Cause

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What is HTML - A Simple Introduction to HTML | Lecture - 01 | The HTML Essential Course

What is HTML - A Simple Introduction to HTML | Lecture - 01 | The HTML Essential Course

Hello peeps, Welcome to the "HTML Essential Course". From today we are going to learn about HTML. We will practice and learn how HTML works and what we need to build a webpage using HTML.

What is HTML?

HTML is the standard Markup language used to create web pages.  Whenever you think of creating a webpage, you have to think of HTML because it works behind the webpages. Few facts about HTML that you should remember are:-

Facts: -

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • It denotes the structure/framework of a webpage using Markup.
  • HTML elements are the foundation or building blocks of HTML pages.
  • HTML elements are constituted by < > tags.
  • HTML tags label pieces of contents  such as 'heading', 'paragraph', 'table', 'form' etc.
  • No Browser displays the HTML tags but uses them to render the contents of the page.

How do the HTML Tags look like?

=> Basically, HTML Tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets: -

"<tagname> You Content will be here in the middle of two tags </tagname>
<p> My paragraph will be here </p> 
<h1> My headingwill be here </h1> "

=> Normally, HTML Tags Come in Pairs such as: - 

"<tagname> ... </tagname>                 <p> ... </p>                <h1> ... </h1>
<html> ... </html>                 <body> ... </body>               <head> ... </head>
<article> ... </article>                 <div> ... </div>                <form> ... </form>"

=> Only, a few tags are single tags without any closing tags: -

<br>      <img>  <hr>

=> The first tag in a pair is the "Start/ Opening" Tag and the Second tag is the "End/ Closing" Tag.

first tag = <tagname> = Start Tag/ Opening Tag
Second tag = </tagname> = End Tag/ closing Tag

=> The 'End tag' is written like the 'Start tag' but with a 'forward slash' inserted before the tag name.
</head>        </html>    </p>     </h1>   </article>

Conclusion: -I hope this simple introduction has given you a brief idea about HTML and its tags.
You can also watch the video given below to if you don't love to read: -

 , In our next lecture, we will learn about the text/Code editors that we need to learn HTML in an easier way.  

Lecture 02

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this article. Nice One

